
Showing posts from February, 2015

Preservation and Conservation

White-tailed Deer On Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009 President Obama overturned legislation enacted at the end of the Bush Administration that weakened the Endangered Species Act. Bush's legislation allowed government agencies to launch projects without consulting government scientists if they deemed that those projects would cause no harm to endangered species. I completely agree with what Obama did. Government agencies are not qualified to say what projects might harm endangered species, and scientists, at least in principle, ought to be able to provide more guidance for what may or may not be harmful to endangered species Red-cockaded Woodpecker A threatened species due to habitat loss But what I found interesting was the following quote  from President Obama: "Throughout our history, there's been a tension between those who've sought to conserve our natural resources for the benefit of future generations and those who have sought to profit from these resources....