The Drama of Scripture

Craig G. Bartholomew
Michael W. Goheen
There are lots of ways to talk about the teachings of the Bible. Most often the teachings are summarized in terms of systems of doctrine. This books is an attempt to organize the Bible in terms of acts of a Biblical drama. The Bible is a grand story, a drama of redemption in which the world was created good to reflect his glory, but mankind sinned and caused the fall both of our human nature and the world we live in. The Scriptures are the drama of God's redemption not only of us, but of the world we live in. Every single one of us has a story--our lives are in the process of telling a story. Yet we also view ourselves as being situated within a larger story--a story from which we derive meaning for our lives and interpret what happens in the world. "Basic stories are in principle normative--they define starting points, ways of seeing what is true--and they are comprehensive, since they give an account of the whole" (p. 20). The purpose of this book is to give us an understanding of the Biblical story of redemption so that we can understand our own stories in light of the that larger story, so that we can live for His glory in His world.
This book is written by both a biblical scholar and a missiologist, and so the book has a real sense of mission. The Biblical story is told in terms of six acts:
Act 1--God establishes his Kingdom in Creation
Act 2--Rebellion in the Kingdom at the Fall
Act 3--The King Chooses Israel: Redemtion Initiated
Act 4--The Coming of the King: Jesus, Redemption Accomplished
Act 5--Spreading the News of the King: The Mission of the Church
Act 6--The Return of the King: Redemption Completed
We, of course, are situated Act 5, and we ought to derive meaning in purpose for our lives by our place in the larger story of Redemption. The book helps us get a find of mission for our lives as we live in God's world for His glory, understanding that the whole story of redemption is about God reclaiming His world and His people for Himself.
This book, I believe, is an excellent treatment of the teachings of the Bible, though it is most useful for those who already have some knowledge of it. I may well use it for for training elders in the future, though there's another book, Far as the Curse is Found, that is shorter and covers the same kidn of material. I'll post on that when I finish reading it.